app | The App Directory. Controllers and other running classes are placed here. |
Classes | Custom classes directory. |
Theme | Metronic PHP Classes folder. None of the Classes inside need to be edited for application to run. |
Init.php | Initialises layouts and components. |
Menu.php | Renders vertical (aside) and horizontal (header) menus. |
Metronic.php | The heart of theme functionality. Helps rendering SVG icons, loads CSS and JS components, classes and functions. |
Http | Requests, Controllers etc. |
Controllers | Application Controllers live here. |
Controller.php | Main application abstract Controller. Usually extends other Controllers. |
PagesController.php | Demo pages controller for this application. Containes few methods to load demo pages. Can be edited or removed at courtesy of developers. |
config | Configuration files are located here. Here we also placed configurational files that are required for layouts and menus. |
layout.php | Main layout configuration. Edit values to adjust theme layouts the way you like. Please refer to layout builder to see layout configuration examples. |
menu_aside.php | Aside menu configuration. |
menu_header.php | Header menu configuration. |
public | Here will be placed publicly accessible assets and files. |
resources | Application resources and view files are located here. From it's subfolders and files npm will build public assets, app will renders views and layouts. |
js | JavaScript configuration loaders for compiler (laravel-mix and webpack). |
lang | Default Laravel translation fileset. |
metronic | Theme specific global assets and plugins source. |
plugins | Custom plugins and modules source. |
sass | SCSS configuration loaders are located here. |
views | Application view files live here. Laravel is set to renders views from this folder by default. |
layout | Theme layout files and partials for application. |
base | Base layout template components. |
_aside.blade.php | Side menu partial. |
_content.blade.php | Content section template. |
_footer.blade.php | Footer pertial. |
_header-mobile.blade.php | Mobile header toggle partial. |
_header.blade.php | Header template. |
_layout.blade.php | Main layout template. |
patials | Partials for layouts and pages. Mostly configured from config/layout.php |
extras | Dropdowns, Offcanvas panels and other includable page elements. |
subheader | Page subheader variaiton partials. |
pages | Demo pages. All loaded from App\Controllers\PagesController.php for which routes are defined in routes/web.php |
widgets | Demo widgets for dashboard page. |
dashboard.blade.php | Dashboard page view file. Route: / |
datatables.blade.php | Datatables example page view. Route: /datatables |
ktdatatables.blade.php | Metronic Custom Datatables page view. Route: /ktdatatables |
select2.blade.php | Select2 plugin example page view. Route: /select2 |
package.json | This file contains meta data about app or module. Most importantly, it includes the list of dependencies to install from npm when running npm install . |
package-lock.json | package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json |
webpack.mix.js | Webpack confiand Laravel Mix configuration - defines how are assets are compiled. Handle with care! |