Metronic's Laravel "skeleton" version comes with the Metronic theme (demo1), layout configuration and laravel-mix integration only. We have also included few demo pages to show implementation examples:
- shows Datatables.net integration/ktdatatables
- custom Metronic datatables/select2
- Select2 plugin integration
Apart from listed demo pages, this version does not provide any other additional logic or functions such as auth or CRUD. We will add more page examples and some CRUD functions in the near future.
For more detailed information about skeleton version please read here https://keenthemes.com/metronic/?page=docs§ion=laravel-quick-start
Laravel includes a simple method of seeding your database with test data using seed classes. For more information about the Laravel seeding, check on the Laravel documentation here: Seeding
If you install a package, and it prints a deprecation message, we recommend to check on this link: Using deprecated packages