dist | The build output of Angular. This folder does not included in the package. Run command ng build to build it. |
e2e | End-to-end tests using Protractor. Visit link https://angular.io/cli/e2e for more info. |
node_modules | The package.json file in the app root defines what libraries will be installed into node_modules/ when you run npm install . |
src | Your app lives in the src folder. All Angular components, templates, styles, images, and anything else your app needs go here. Any files outside of this folder are meant to support building your app. |
app | Main app folder |
_helpers | Addinional application helpers |
fake | Fake database for Authorization mocking. |
_metronic | Metronic core logic |
configs | Layout configs |
core | Metronic custom Services/Pipes |
partials | Shared components |
modules | Separated modules |
auth | Authorization module |
e-commerce | E-Commmerce module (*not implemented in new version. ETA [v7.1.0 - 7.1.3]) |
errors | Error pages examples |
i18n | Internationalization module |
material | Google Material examples |
ngBootstrap | NGBootstrap library compoments examples |
user-management | User Moanagement modules (*not implemented in new version. ETA [v7.1.0 - 7.1.3]) |
pages | Layout view and pages |
_layout | Base Layouts |
builder | Layout builder page |
Dashboard | Dashboard page |
layout.module.ts | Layout module |
pages-routing.module.ts | Routing for all private pages (based on Layout) |
app.component.html | Main app template. |
app.component.ts | Main app typescript. |
app.module.ts | Main app module. The place where to import and declare required components. |
app-routing.module.ts | Base routing for the app. Disable unused demo layout in this file to exclude the module. |
assets | This folder will contain all the Metronic core assets needed for the Angular application. |
environments | This folder contains one file for each of destination environments, each exporting simple configuration variables to use in application |
environment.prod.ts | Production environment config |
environment.ts | Development environment config |
index.html | The index.html lives at the root of front-end structure. The index.html file will primarily handle loading in all the libraries and Angular elements. |
main.ts | The main entry point for your app. |
polyfills.ts | Angular is built on the latest standards of the web platform. A particular browser may require at least one polyfill to run any Angular application. You may need additional polyfills for specific features. IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires to enable polyfills. Read more angular.io/guide/browser-support |
style.angular.scss | Global styles go here which styles that affect all of your app need to be in a central place. |
test.ts | Visit link https://angular.io/guide/testing for more info. |
tsconfig.app.json | Visit link https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html for more info. |
tsconfig.spec.json | Visit link https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html for more info. |
tslint.json | When using the CLI or many third-party tools, a file named tslint.json or tslint.yaml is used to configure which rules get run and each of their options. Visit link https://palantir.github.io/tslint/usage/configuration/ for more info. |
typings.d.ts | Use TypeScript type definition files—d.ts files—to tell the compiler about the libraries you load. Visit link https://angular.io/guide/typescript-configuration#typescript-typings for more info. |
.editorconfig | Editor configuration, see http://editorconfig.org |
.gitignore | Git uses it to determine which files and directories to ignore, before you make a commit. |
angular.json | Configuration for Angular CLI. In this file you can set several defaults and also configure what files are included when your project is built. Check out the official documentation if you want to know more. |
package.json | A package.json file contains meta data about app or module. Most importantly, it includes the list of dependencies to install from npm when running npm install. |
package-lock.json | package-lock.json is automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree, or package.json |
tsconfig.json | tsconfig.json file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a TypeScript project. The tsconfig.json file specifies the root files and the compiler options required to compile the project. |
tslint.json | Linting configuration for TSLint together with Codelyzer, used when running ng lint . Linting helps keep your code style consistent. |
webpack-rtl.config.js | RTL webpack configuration. |
ngcc.config.js | IVY renderer compatibility settings file. |