logo The World’s #1 Bootstrap 4 HTML, Angular 10, React, VueJS & Laravel
Admin Dashboard Theme

Webpack Quick Start

The steps below for the Default Webpack Package. If you want to use the Gulp, go to this Gulp Quick Start section.

  1. Download the latest theme source from the marketplace.

  2. Download and install Node.js from nodejs.org/en/download/. The suggested version to install is 12.18.x LTS.

  3. Start command prompt window or terminal and change directory to [metronic]/theme/html/tools/

    cd theme/html/tools
  4. Install the latest npm.

    npm install --global npm@latest
  5. Install yarn via the npm.

    npm install --global yarn

    Don't forget to run yarn upgrade after every Metronic updates released in order to install newly added or updated 3rd-party plugins.
    Use npm cache clean --force command, if installation had failed at any step. Retry from start after it done.

  6. Install yarn dependencies. Must execute in [metronic]/theme/html/tools/ folder.

  7. This below command will compile all the assets(sass, js, media) to [metronic]/theme/html/[demo]/dist/assets folder. State which demo to compile and append at the of the command. Eg. --demo1

    npm run build --demo1
  8. Start the localhost server.

    npm run localhost --demo1

    Keep the console open. Open this link to run http://localhost:8080/. It will take a few seconds for the build to finish.

    Press Ctrl+C to quit from localhost.

For more information about the Webpack build tool, click here.