

Search Job

Job Management System

Basic Tree

Note! Opened and selected nodes will be saved in the user's browser, so when returning to the same tree the previous state will be restored.

        <div id="kt_tree_1" class="tree-demo">
                    Root node 1
                        <li data-jstree='{ "selected" : true }'>
                            <a href="javascript:;">
                            Initially selected </a>
                        <li data-jstree='{ "icon" : "flaticon2-gear text-success " }'>
                            custom icon URL
                        <li data-jstree='{ "opened" : true }'>
                            initially open
                                <li data-jstree='{ "disabled" : true }'>
                                    Disabled Node
                                <li data-jstree='{ "type" : "file" }'>
                                    Another node
                        <li data-jstree='{ "icon" : "flaticon2-rectangular text-danger" }'>
                            Custom icon class (bootstrap)
                <li data-jstree='{ "type" : "file" }'>
                    <a href="http://www.keenthemes.com">
                    Clickable link node </a>

            "core": {
                "themes": {
                    "responsive": false
            "types": {
                "default": {
                    "icon": "fa fa-folder"
                "file": {
                    "icon": "fa fa-file"
            "plugins": ["types"]

Custom Icons & Clickable Nodes

       <div id="kt_tree_2" class="tree-demo">
          Root node 1
           <li data-jstree='{ "selected" : true }'>
            <a href="javascript:;">
            Initially selected </a>
           <li data-jstree='{ "icon" : "flaticon2-analytics text-success " }'>
            custom icon URL
           <li data-jstree='{ "opened" : true }'>
            initially open
             <li data-jstree='{ "disabled" : true }'>
              Disabled Node
             <li data-jstree='{ "type" : "file" }'>
              Another node
           <li data-jstree='{ "icon" : "flaticon2-user text-danger" }'>
            Custom icon class (bootstrap)
         <li data-jstree='{ "type" : "file" }'>
          <a href="https://keenthemes.com/">
          Clickable link node </a>

           "core": {
               "themes": {
                   "responsive": false
           "types": {
               "default": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-folder text-warning"
               "file": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-file  text-warning"
           "plugins": ["types"]

       // handle link clicks in tree nodes(support target="_blank" as well)
       $('#kt_tree_2').on('select_node.jstree', function(e, data) {
           var link = $('#' + data.selected).find('a');
           if (link.attr("href") != "#" && link.attr("href") != "javascript:;" && link.attr("href") != "") {
               if (link.attr("target") == "_blank") {
                   link.attr("href").target = "_blank";
               document.location.href = link.attr("href");
               return false;

Checkable Tree

       <div id="kt_tree_3" class="tree-demo">

        "plugins": ["wholerow", "checkbox", "types"],
        "core": {
            "themes": {
                "responsive": false
            "data": [{
                   "text": "Same but with checkboxes",
                    "children": [{
                        "text": "initially selected",
                        "state": {
                            "selected": true
                    }, {
                        "text": "custom icon",
                        "icon": "fa fa-warning text-danger"
                    }, {
                        "text": "initially open",
                        "icon": "fa fa-folder text-default",
                        "state": {
                            "opened": true
                        "children": ["Another node"]
                    }, {
                        "text": "custom icon",
                        "icon": "fa fa-warning text-waring"
                    }, {
                        "text": "disabled node",
                        "icon": "fa fa-check text-success",
                        "state": {
                            "disabled": true
                "And wholerow selection"
        "types": {
            "default": {
                "icon": "fa fa-folder text-warning"
            "file": {
                "icon": "fa fa-file  text-warning"

Contextual Menu

       <div id="kt_tree_4" class="tree-demo">

           "core": {
               "themes": {
                   "responsive": false
               // so that create works
               "check_callback": true,
               "data": [{
                       "text": "Parent Node",
                       "children": [{
                           "text": "Initially selected",
                           "state": {
                               "selected": true
                       }, {
                           "text": "Custom Icon",
                           "icon": "flaticon2-hourglass-1 text-danger"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Initially open",
                           "icon": "fa fa-folder text-success",
                           "state": {
                               "opened": true
                           "children": [{
                               "text": "Another node",
                               "icon": "fa fa-file text-waring"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Another Custom Icon",
                           "icon": "flaticon2-drop text-waring"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Disabled Node",
                           "icon": "fa fa-check text-success",
                           "state": {
                               "disabled": true
                       }, {
                           "text": "Sub Nodes",
                           "icon": "fa fa-folder text-danger",
                           "children": [{
                                   "text": "Item 1",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-waring"
                                   "text": "Item 2",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-success"
                                   "text": "Item 3",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-default"
                                   "text": "Item 4",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-danger"
                                   "text": "Item 5",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-info"
                   "Another Node"
           "types": {
               "default": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-folder text-primary"
               "file": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-file  text-primary"
           "state": {
               "key": "demo2"
           "plugins": ["contextmenu", "state", "types"]

Drag & Drop

       <div id="kt_tree_5" class="tree-demo">

           "core": {
               "themes": {
                   "responsive": false
               // so that create works
               "check_callback": true,
               "data": [{
                       "text": "Parent Node",
                       "children": [{
                           "text": "Initially selected",
                           "state": {
                               "selected": true
                       }, {
                           "text": "Custom Icon",
                           "icon": "flaticon2-warning text-danger"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Initially open",
                           "icon": "fa fa-folder text-success",
                           "state": {
                               "opened": true
                           "children": [{
                               "text": "Another node",
                               "icon": "fa fa-file text-waring"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Another Custom Icon",
                           "icon": "flaticon2-bell-5 text-waring"
                       }, {
                           "text": "Disabled Node",
                           "icon": "fa fa-check text-success",
                           "state": {
                               "disabled": true
                       }, {
                           "text": "Sub Nodes",
                           "icon": "fa fa-folder text-danger",
                           "children": [{
                                   "text": "Item 1",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-waring"
                                   "text": "Item 2",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-success"
                                   "text": "Item 3",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-default"
                                   "text": "Item 4",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-danger"
                                   "text": "Item 5",
                                   "icon": "fa fa-file text-info"
                   "Another Node"
           "types": {
               "default": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-folder text-success"
               "file": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-file  text-success"
           "state": {
               "key": "demo2"
           "plugins": ["dnd", "state", "types"]

Ajax Data

Note! The tree nodes are loaded from server side demo script via ajax.

       <div id="kt_tree_6" class="tree-demo">

           "core": {
               "themes": {
                   "responsive": false
               // so that create works
               "check_callback": true,
               "data": {
                   "url": function(node) {
                       return HOST_URL + "api/jstree/ajax_data.php";
                   "data": function(node) {
                       return {
                           "parent": node.id
           "types": {
               "default": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-folder text-primary"
               "file": {
                   "icon": "fa fa-file  text-primary"
           "state": {
               "key": "demo3"
           "plugins": ["dnd", "state", "types"]

           "id": "node_158179869559930",
           "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-lg text-warning",
           "text": "Node 1581798695",
           "children": false
       }, {
           "id": "node_15817986951142",
           "icon": "fa fa-folder icon-lg text-success",
           "text": "Node 1581798695",
           "children": false
       }, {
           "id": "node_158179869568539",
           "icon": "fa fa-file icon-lg text-warning",
           "text": "Node 1581798695",
           "children": true

User Profile 12 messages

James Jones
Application Developer
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