Best Theme With The Best Customer Support...
There are so many reasons why this theme deserve to get 5 stars. I have almost all the popular theme in Themeforest,
but to be honest, Metronic Theme has the best support comparing with others.
If you have a big project and you need a reliable theme and support then this theme is definitely the right choice.
Metronic Customer
After a year with this template, I decided to rate it...
Why? The main reason is the constant update system that keep helping to improve my site all the time. If someone ask me why take long time to rate,
well I found some issues a year ago that send through some bugs report that they answer me quickly but it take long time to see the changes make happens.
Now I'm glad to use this template but I wonder if they could down the price of the extended version sometime
because I would like to purchase it a normal price. Anyway, you are doing really good job, congratulations.
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Metronic Customer
This theme has literally everything you could possibly want in a theme...
The documentation is AMAZING, the examples are super useful, and
it's really easy to pick and choose which plugins you want to include.
There are so many options for basically every component of the app and
it's easy to switch between them(ex. changing from a compact sidebar to the full sidebar) So far I've saved about 2 days of work and I've only had the theme for 15 hours or so....
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Metronic Customer
I can not overestimate the impact Metronic has had...
I run a team of 20 product managers, developers, QA and UX
resources. Previously we designed everything ourselves. For our newest platform
we tried out Metronic. I can not overestimate the impact Metronic
has had. It's accelerated development 3x and reduced QA issues by 50%.
If you add up the reduced need for design time/resources, the increase
in dev speed and the reduction in QA, it's probably saved us $100,000
on this project alone, and I plan to use it for all platforms moving
forward. The flexibility of the design has also allowed us to put out
a better looking & working platform and reduced my headaches by 90%.
Thank you KeenThemes!
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Jonathan Bartlet,
Metronic Customer
There is so much on this theme which deserve a 5 star...
As a developer, this theme saves lots of my time. I used to search around the net to see how people style a certain element, but with this theme,
all I need is to browse the static html pages of the theme to find what I need and grab it from there. One of the best investment I made on Themeforest. High recommended.
Metronic Customer
This is by far the cleanest template and the most well structured...
The most well thought out design theme I have ever used. The codes are up to standard.
The css styles are very clean. In fact the cleanest and the most up to standard I have ever seen.
This is also the easiest template to customize.
I have encounter, many templates that looked good but when you started
looking under the hood you see nasty stuffs
in css and javascript hacks just to put it together.
I sure am glad that I chose Metronic. Really really clean code to work on.
No hacks! It is such a well structured css and javascript piece of artwork. The layout designs and design element placements are such a wonder.
The usability of these designs are incredible. I am now looking for material design with angular 1 for mobile. Please produce one. I will be your first customer.
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Metronic Customer
This is a truly magnificent admin template...
From code through to documentation and support. Excellent work,
this endorsement comes from a software architect who has been credited on one of the largest CMS platforms in the world
'Umbraco' and has worked with many of the largest brands/companies in the world too; not to brag, just for credibility.
Metronic Customer